The enthusiast's audio webzine

Eddie Cilletti

Eddie Ciletti is a recording engineer and audio technician who has worked at major recording studios - Bearsville, Atlantic and Record Plant NYC. He currently has a tech shop and an all-analog control room, sharing a common studio space with Adam Tucker at Signaturetone Recording Studio in Minneapolis. His 90s retro website is tangible-technology.com and can be reached at edaudio@tangible-technology.com. He spent the past ten years teaching analog audio electronics and recording techniques.


1More Triple Drivers – A Product Review and Comparison

Eddie Ciletti is a life-long audio engineer and technician. He tries to find the balance between the art and the science of sound. In this article for HifiZine, he judges the 1More triple-driver IEMs against seven competitors in terms of fit, seal, ability to reproduce the lowest bass notes and kick drum resonance, a smooth upper midrange presence and a delicate, “airy” treble.

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